Monday, March 30, 2009

So, I've been thinking a lot these past couple of days... ok, more like hours, and I've decided that I'm going to give my readers (ehem! there are currently no followers!) a little taste of my writing in my blogs. Rather than giving you huge chunks to read, I'm just going to give you quotes! :D I don't know about you, but I am excited! I'm working on two stories to be perfectly honest but these quotes will only be from my most recent one. Right now, I'm thinking of calling it "Objection Overruled" but it is still undetermined. In case you couldn't tell, there are elements of law involved in this story of mine. The main character, Jennifer Aldenin, is a prosecutor. But that is all I am going to reveal!

Just thought I would show you some of my past times! :) No one would believe me unless I had a picture for proof!

See? Some pretty intense stuff! :) We were shooting at pumpkins, tvs, segas, cans of vegetables, cupcake tins, and other interesting things :)

Just thought I would show you George. My friend Jen and I decided that George is what we are going to call it, Saint George just sounds too formal!

So, my quote of the day for you today is this. Amanda: "You mean your secret world of strippers and man slaves? I've been ready my whole life!"

Love you all!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hey everyone! So, since I am new to this whole blogging thing, I figured I'd better let you all know a little about me. I'm currently nineteen and living in Saint George, UT. Yes, that is part of Mormon land, in case you were wondering. Hahaha! However, I'm not going to be here for very much longer. On May 31st, my contract for my apartment expires and that is when I will be moving home for the summer. I'm excited about it but sad at the same time. And in case you were wondering, yes, that is an old picture of me. I don't currently have one of just me from recently... at least one that I like. :) My current project that I am working on is a story that I am writing but if you really want to know about that, you can just ask me about it.

This is my beautiful family! Yay!

Well, I'm still really new to this so I'll post some more later!